Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thing 21: Promoting Yourself

As I listed the things I like in life and at work, I noticed themes.  I like movement and productivity, especially if it is measurable. I enjoy being creative and having variety, but prefer some level of guidance.  I am curious and take pleasure in learning.  I enjoy trying new things and teaching others.  I find satisfaction in helping others and in reducing others' levels of stress.  Story, whether in books, in movies, or in conversations with others, fascinate me.  I prefer to listen, but also like to be able to speak.  I enjoy being part of something larger than myself, both in the sense of belonging and in the sense of seeing others build on my contribution to accomplish far more than I could on my own.  I enjoy refining and perfecting things. I have a competitive streak.  I much prefer saying "Yes" to saying "No," but I will say no when necessary.  These things motivate me.

My strengths emerged from those themes.  I listen actively.  I observe.  I set goals well and persist in accomplishing them.  I explore.  I act (mostly) independently, but I also strive to support others.  I explain things in ways that others can understand. I creatively address problems and respond to observations.  I ask questions, seek to understand, and attempt to improve upon what I find. 

Primary Colors in the Abstract by Bill Gracey.  Used under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial-No Derivs (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) license.


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