Sunday, October 16, 2011

Thing 23: Reflection -- What Next?

Photo by Thomas Quine (quinet).  Used under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 2.0) License.
Skills and deeper learning will continue.  

It is hard to believe the program is already over!  The program has been worthwhile.  Some weeks, I had little time to explore, think, and post, but I am glad to have been a part of this project!  Even if I did not personally find each tool or topic interesting, I know someone I meet will.  I have gained confidence and met new people through the program.  I plan to continue the adventure, either on my own or, if I can find one, through another program like this.

I know I am lacking skills in certain areas, such as experience in cataloging or knowledge of young adult development. I have written goals to address these areas.  Although each goal is feasible on its own, I am still considering whether I need to prioritize my goals and delay some of them.

Thank you 23 Things for Professional Development and all participants!


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